Our refund policy is clear, simple, and fair. Best of all, it never expires.
If we can’t place your song for any reason, we will give you a 100% refund. Even if we contact every influencer in our network and your song was declined every time, you will still get a 100% refund because we could not deliver on our “guaranteed streams” promise.
See how we place the risk completely on our end? Either we deliver, or you don’t pay.
If we deliver equal to or greater than the number of streams for your package type, there will be no refunds since we completed our job in its entirety.
In the off-chance that we were only able to partially complete your campaign goal, we will then offer a partial refund equal to the percentage of streams we were able to acquire for you.
For example, if you purchase a 10,000 stream campaign and we can only find influencers that provide 5,000 streams, we will give you a 50% refund.
We want to place all the risk on our shoulders so that you don’t need to worry about whether or not you’ll get your money’s worth. You’re in good hands with us! If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out anytime by emailing support@indiemusicacademy.com.
Note: Any attempt to reverse or decline your transaction will remove our ability to refund your order. Read more about that here.
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